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Getting home

Getting home is a huge step on the road to recovery. While it is often an enormous relief to be back home, some may find the first few weeks a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in terms of readjusting to everyday life. In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on the common physical and psychological issues you might face,what you can do to help the recovery process along, and the types of help that might be available to you and your family after you get home.We've also included a few short pieces on other people's experience, which we hope you will find helpful.


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Web Link: Mobile library service

This link will take you to the Food Train website. Their West Lothian site is currently offering an outreach library service, which means that they offer to loan and return books by people unable to visit their library. Go onto their website to find out more.

Article: Mobility issues after getting home

Patients sometimes tell us that they continue to have problems getting around after they get home. This can happen as a result or a combination of many things; muscle wasting, general weakness, fatigue, joint pain and stiffness or issues with balance. Some people also tell us that they lose their confidence a little, in the first few days of getting home.

Web Link: Money matters: advice wih money worries

This weblink will take you to the Money Matters website.They offer a wealth of advice on a wide range of issues related to benefits, allowances and sources of financial support. They also provide some really useful tools on managing your money in different situations e.g. remorgaging or early retirement.

Web Link: Motability scheme

This link will take you to the website of the Motability Scheme.Motability is a national charity that raises money and provides financial help to people receiving mobility allowance who might otherwise struggle with their transport needs, whether it is a car, scooter or powered wheelchair.The website gives useful information and advice on who is eligible and what kind of help you might be able to get.

Web Link: Muscle and joint issues: NHS Inform

This link will take you to the website of NHS Inform and their Musculoskeletal Zone (which deals with muscle or joint problems).They offer advice and information on upper body issues (neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand), lower body issues (hip, thigh, calf, ankle and foot) and back issues. They also have an app, which you can download onto your phone, tablet or computer Please be aware that the information given is not geared specifically to patients who have spent time in...

Web Link: NHS 24 Self help advice

This link will take you to NHS 24's self help guide on common health issues. The information and advice given is very general in nature, but you may find some of it helpful.

Article: Numbness and "pins and needles"

Is it common to have numbness and pins and needles after Intensive Care? Patients sometimes experience numbness and or pins and needles in theirfingers and hands, which can lead to difficulty with everyday things like grip.Others experience numbness and or pins and needles in their feet, which can interfere with balance and mobility. Why do I have numbness and pins and needles? These symptoms are sometimes called "critical illness neuropathy" or "critical...

External Video: Nutritional advice

In this video, Judith talks about her role as a dietitian in Intensive Care. She talks about the nutritional issues patients commonly face after Intensive Care, and offers some advice for patients and family members to help the recovery process along.

Web Link: Online self-help resources

This link will take you to fiveareasonline.com. They offer a range of resources for self-help, based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT.

External Video: Pacing for Breathlessness

This short clip will explain how a technique known as "pacing" may help feelings of breathlessness. You might also find the booklets on bodily positions to help breathlessness, breathing control and how to conserve your energy helpful in dealing with breathlessness.